5 Great SEO Tips

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is hugely important in order to rank higher in Google and drive traffic to your site or blog. There are several “big hitter” SEO items like placing the proper keywords in your page title, URL and meta description fields as well as getting quality backlinks to your site/posts from other sites.

Those items and many more are all mentioned in my previous post on SEO Competition. That post lists the most common and most utilized items to help give your site/posts “SEO juice” in order to help you rank higher in Google.

In the excellent video below from Pat Flynn, he details 5 more lesser known tips on how to get even more SEO juice, or at least how to keep the juice you already have from leaking out. Definitely some good actionable items.

Do you have any lesser known tips that in your experience have either helped or potentially hurt your rankings? With Google constantly changing their algorithms all the time, we need to try and stay one step ahead of the game. So please share any tips positive or negative in the comments below. Thanks!

Half Off Market Samurai

Market Samurai Half Off Deal

** UPDATE **  The half off deal has officially expired, but you can still get Market Samurai for 35% off, which is a great deal!  All you have to do is follow the link and enter only your name and email address to get your free trial of Market Samurai.  If you then sign-up during …

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Market Samurai Update – Free Rank Tracker


I wanted to make sure you are aware of a new update to Market Samurai that was just released today.  If you are a user of Market Samurai, you need to follow the steps in their blog post to enable your free rank tool that tracks up to 50 keywords for free. You need to …

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Combating Comment Spam


If you have a blog of your own, you are most likely very familiar with spam related comments.  They come in all forms, but they usually have terrible English/grammar and are filled with links for Viagra, Payday Loans or other spammy products. For the most part I initially left my settings easiest for people to …

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Blogging Resources and Essential Tools

I received an email newsletter from Pat Flynn yesterday and I decided to follow his advice and create a resources/tools page on this site. I’ve been meaning to do that, so it was very good timing and exactly what I needed to motivate myself to get it done. Basically, that is a place on your …

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