Private Blog Network Penalty – Breaking News


This week’s episode is a continuation/follow-up to last week’s episode in regards to the recent breaking news of Google penalizing many sites that utilize Private Blog Networks (PBNs).

In most cases, such sites are being de-indexed from Google, which will cause all of your rankings and organic traffic to disappear immediately.

This has resulted in a huge hit for many folks utilizing PBNs as a primary means of traffic/ranking/income.

This is a big deal and word has quickly spread to all corners of the online universe.

Check out the Podcast for further details and be sure to subscribe via email, to stay tapped in for any breaking news, as it happens.

Private Blog Network Penalty Reference Articles:

Tool of the Week

Google Webmaster Tools – A free service offered by Google that helps you monitor and maintain your site’s presence in Google Search results. This is where most folks that were affected, found out about the manual penalty hit. It is good to have all your site(s) setup in Webmaster Tools and to check it every month or so to be sure all is well, as seen through the eyes of Google.


Were any of your sites affected by the manual penalty?  What are your thoughts on utilizing PBNs or Gray/Black Hat techniques going forward as a result of this info?

Drop a quick comment and let us know!

2 thoughts on “Private Blog Network Penalty – Breaking News”

  1. Oh I can still blame them. Their gray hat short term techniques to increase traffic by shady means are unfair to other people who are trying to do everything right and bring traffic to their sites by white hat methods. It is no different than doping in sports. Those athletes who chemical enhance their performance are only interested in short term goals and making quick money. But when caught they are rightly banned from the sport all together because of their cheating. Gray hat techniques are also cheating, and just as wrong as drug doping in sports. I know the modern “get over on the system” mentality is the norm now, but the old mentality of “cheaters never prosper” is closer to the truth.

    Integrity – doing the right thing even when no one is watching.
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